Allow me to introduce myself

Hey guys my name is Brittainy and let me just say how excited I am to train with you. I absolutely love inspiring confidence in bad-a women, so you can change the world! And when I say “world” I mean within the walls of your own home.

So much value is placed on weight loss and so little on behavior. If you only changed one habit, you will have changed your whole life. It’s that simple. Not easy, but simple. I have a bachelor’s in Psychology, and I am a certified fitness trainer. I have always loved fitness and in fact use it as a tool in my own healing. I had very distorted views of my own body image and zero self-worth. I believed I played no part in the way I felt about my body and ultimately in how my life was going. I thought it was just something that happened to me... I drew the short stick. But yet, I obsessed over it. It ruled my every move and robbed me of my power, and I didn’t even know it.

What I failed to realize was it was all in my behavior. The toxicity of the words I would say to myself, my actions, my food trauma, body hate, my obsessiveness, my isolation; it was in every decision I made. I took it out on myself, and the people I loved, and I knew something had to change.

I have been on the yoyo diets or the extreme exercise schedules, and it always resulted in me quitting. Which then I would decide was a reflection of me “I’m a quitter, see I knew it I can’t commit to anything, why do I even try?” It would be my mantra. It never made me feel better.

That is until I learned to let go of my expectations of a healthy lifestyle and focus on the appreciation of it. I know what you’re thinking… “Wow, really it was that easy?” Ha! Not even close… it was years’ worth of work and many, many hard truths I had to face (and still face) but the point is I am working towards something. I am taking accountability for my own happiness.

I would love the opportunity to show you that you can too. My goal is to help you create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle, that adds happiness into your world. My number one requirement is “make it work for you”. If you’re ready to create a lifestyle that you can stick with, let’s work together in creating the life you deserve.


- Brittainy